8 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic emission in mineral and rock dehydration

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    The article considers regularities of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation from minerals and rocks, with samples being heated in a vacuum to 20° C- 1000° C. The examples of electromagnetic emission correlation with electric conductivity, thermoluminescence and thermographic analysis during physic-chemical processes resulting from diagenesis, catagenesis and metagenesis have been provided

    Simulation model of load balancing in distributed computing systems

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    The availability of high-performance computing, high speed data transfer over the network and widespread of software for the design and pre-production in mechanical engineering have led to the fact that at the present time the large industrial enterprises and small engineering companies implement complex computer systems for efficient solutions of production and management tasks. Such computer systems are generally built on the basis of distributed heterogeneous computer systems. The analytical problems solved by such systems are the key models of research, but the system-wide problems of efficient distribution (balancing) of the computational load and accommodation input, intermediate and output databases are no less important. The main tasks of this balancing system are load and condition monitoring of compute nodes, and the selection of a node for transition of the user's request in accordance with a predetermined algorithm. The load balancing is one of the most used methods of increasing productivity of distributed computing systems through the optimal allocation of tasks between the computer system nodes. Therefore, the development of methods and algorithms for computing optimal scheduling in a distributed system, dynamically changing its infrastructure, is an important task

    Software for storage and processing coded messages for the international exchange of meteorological information

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    The approach allows representing data of international codes for exchange of meteorological information using metadescription as the formalism associated with certain categories of resources. Development of metadata components was based on an analysis of the data of surface meteorological observations, atmosphere vertical sounding, atmosphere wind sounding, weather radar observing, observations from satellites and others. A common set of metadata components was formed including classes, divisions and groups for a generalized description of the meteorological data. The structure and content of the main components of a generalized metadescription are presented in detail by the example of representation of meteorological observations from land and sea stations. The functional structure of a distributed computing system is described. It allows organizing the storage of large volumes of meteorological data for their further processing in the solution of problems of the analysis and forecasting of climatic processes

    Numerical investigations of processes of metal and alloy solidification

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    Subject of investigation: difference schemes and their application to the problems of metal and alloy crystallization. Purpose: construction and substantiation of finitely difference schemes used for the numerical investigations of the crystallization and melting processes. The work provides the evaluation of the error of the difference solution according to L_1 for the proposed algorithm of the solution of a one-dimensional two-phase Stefan problem; the investigation covers the algorithms of the numerical solution of one- and two-dimensional crystallization problems. Two practical problems were solved, which were used as the basis for determination of the optimum operating conditions of a pilot-scale production plant. A mathematical model of pressure die casting by squeezing with crystallization is introduced as a package of applied programs for calculating body castingsAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Transient processes in electrical complex of production well with downhole compensator of reactive power

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    Актуальность. В настоящее время при повсеместном усложнении технологических процессов для повышения эффективности производственных процессов за счет внедрения нового оборудования происходят конфликты между функциональными возможностями различных технических средств и их способностью функционировать с заданным качеством, в заданной электромагнитной обстановке и не создавать недопустимых электромагнитных помех другим техническим средствам. В состав электротехнического комплекса для добычи нефти, под которым понимается совокупность наземного и погружного электрооборудования, скомпонованного для приема, трансформации, управления, преобразования электрической энергии в механическую и передачи её погружному насосу, входят различные электротехнические и электронные устройства: станция управления с преобразователем частоты, повышающий трансформатор, кабельная линия, погружной электродвигатель, внутрискважинный компенсатор реактивной мощности и другие устройства. Любое изменение компоновки электротехнических комплексов для добычи нефти или технических характеристик используемого оборудования требует тщательного исследования переходных процессов между режимами работы электрооборудования для предотвращения рисков ложного срабатывания устройств защиты электротехнического оборудования. Цель: анализ переходных процессов в электротехническом комплексе добывающей скважины с внутрискважинным компенсатором реактивной мощности при отключении источника питания с целью предупреждения рисков ложного срабатывания устройств защиты компенсатора. Объект: участок системы электроснабжения куста нефтедобывающих скважин, оснащенных установками электроцентробежных насосов с внутрискважинными компенсаторами реактивной мощности. Методы: использованы положения теоретических основ электротехники, теории электропривода, теория дифференциальных уравнений, численные методы. Результаты. Разработана математическая модель электротехнического комплекса установки электроприводного центробежного насоса с внутрискважинным компенсатором реактивной мощности, позволяющая исследовать переходные процессы в режиме пуска и остановки погружного асинхронного электродвигателя. Получены характеристики переходных процессов в элементах электротехнического комплекса установки электроприводного центробежного насоса при включении и отключении источника питания. Установлено, что максимальный бросок тока во внутрискважинном компенсаторе реактивной мощности составляет 2,56 раза при принятых в исследовании параметрах электротехнического комплекса добывающей скважины. Предложены мероприятия по снижению количества ложных срабатываний устройств защиты.The relevance. At the present time at routine complication of technological processes to increase efficiency of production processes due to introduction of new equipment the conflicts between functional capabilities of various technical means and their ability to function with specified quality, in specified electromagnetic environment and do not create inadmissible electromagnetic interference to other technical means occur. The electrical engineering complex for oil production includes a combination of ground and submersible electrical equipment assembled for receiving, transforming electrical energy, controlling its flow, converting electrical energy into mechanical energy and transmitting it to a submersible pump, including various electrical and electronic devices: a control station with a frequency converter, a step-up transformer, a cable line, a submersible electric motor, a downhole reactive power compensator and other devices. Any change in the layout of electrical systems for extracting oil or technical characteristics of the equipment used requires careful analysis of transient processes between the operating modes of electrical equipment in order to prevent the risks of false triggering of electrical equipment protection devices. The purpose: analysis of transient processes in the electrical system of the production well with the downhole reactive power compensator when the power supply is disconnected in order to prevent the risks of false operation of the compensator protection devices. The object: section of a power supply system for a cluster of oil producing wells equipped with electric centrifugal pump installations with downhole reactive power compensators. Methods: positions of theoretical bases of electrical engineering, theory of electric drive, theory of differential equations, numerical methods. Results. The authors developed the mathematical model of the electrical system of the submersible unit for oil production with a downhole reactive power compensator, which enables to investigate transient processes in start-up and shutdown mode of the submersible induction motor. Characteristics of transient processes are obtained in elements of electrical complex of submersible plant for oil production when power supply is switched on and disconnected. It is established that the maximum current surge in the downhole reactive power compensator is 2,56 times with the parameters of the electrical system of the production well accepted in the study. The inventive measures for reducing the number of false actuations of the protection devices are also disclosed

    Russian Works on China, 1918–1958 a Selected Bibliography

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